OMG | SEO Services

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What is SEO?

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is a digital marketing method used to increase the quality and quantity of organic search traffic to your website.

SEO encompasses a range of strategies used to achieve high rankings for your website in search engines. And that’s important because 90% of your customers use the internet to find products and services.

SEO audits
SEO audits

Success starts with a rock-solid game plan, which is where our indepth SEO Audit comes into play. Our Gurus document where to find your quickest wins and long term opportunity.

This includes mapping your current presence across search, and identifying what strategies your competitors are using.

Keyword research
Keyword research

A key element of SEO is aligning every website page to the most profitable and relevant keywords.

This requires first understanding who your ideal customers are and how they behave online. Effective keyword research looks at the full customer journey to ensure you’re maximising your visibility at every stage.

SEO copywriting
SEO copywriting

When it comes to success online, SEO and content are the inseparable dream team. That’s why you need a skilled copywriter to ensure every word on your website is doing the heavy lifting.

SEO Copywriting balances optimizing for search engine visibility, while also bringing your unique brand to life.

Quality link building
Quality link building

The authority of your website (Domain authority) is still a fundamental ranking factor that Google considers. That’s why link building is crucial to a successful strategy.

Our in-house link building team focuses on building links that are relevant to your audience, so not only do you get a ranking boost – you also attract traffic from potential customers.

Technical SEO
Technical SEO

Technical SEO strategies focus on improving how well both Google and your users can access your website.

There’s a wealth of tried and true technical SEO strategies to implement, such as boosting pagespeed, implementing schema, setting up SSL, fixing 404 errors, updating your XML sitemap, and changing internal linking for orphan pages.

Local SEO
Local SEO

Local SEO is all about cementing your online visibility on a local, regional, and/or national level — in a way that boosts both your online and foot traffic. Did you know: 88% of searches for local businesses on a mobile device either call or visit the business within 24 hours. (Nectafy)

Establishing and optimizing your Google My Business Profile is a key part of any local strategy.

We work with great companies of all sizes


Rock-solid SEO that grows your business

Achieve insane boosts to traffic. Double, triple or even quadruple your sales. SEO can absolutely do this, and more. Our gurus have amazed countless clients once they see how effective a finely-tuned SEO strategy can be.

On the other hand, we’ve also met businesses who’ve become wary of ‘SEO specialists’ who operate in secrecy then steal off into the night with your money, telling you ‘results take time’, and delivering nothing of value whatsoever.

That ain’t us. We promise.

Grow your client base organically
Gain maximum exposure to relevant web and mobile device searches with digital marketing & SEO. Watch your business effortlessly overtake the competition and form thriving new revenue streams. We’ve helped clients achieve an insane 3x increase in leads just by improving their SEO strategy with our services.
Dominate Google
Achieve champion status. Rise to the top of Google. Crush the competition with multiple first page rankings on relevant search terms and local directory listings. Stay ahead of the curve and develop new ways to expand the horizons of SEO tech and strategy.
Partner with honest Gurus
Some SEO companies operate with “smoke and mirrors” tactics to mask a lack of results. With us you’ll know exactly where your money is going and precisely how we’re using it to grow your business with digital marketing. We promise real results, and we don’t rest until you get what you paid for.

Our SEO Subservices

Enterprise SEO

Make a monumental impact on your bottom line with scalable enterprise SEO strategies.

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Local SEO

Skyrocket your sales by driving your website to the top of local listings

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Ecommerce SEO

Exclusively target ready-to-buy customers and send them straight to your purchase page.

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Lead Generation SEO

Create revenue-shifting results with SEO strategies engineered for lead generation.

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Get there faster with Gurulytics
Innovative digital campaign reporting powered by OMG’s new tool. Gurulytics is our industry-leading app exclusive to clients.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Curious to learn more? Here are some of the most common questions we hear day to day.

Why is OMG the best SEO company in Australia?

A lot of SEO companies talk the talk, though they don’t always make an impact. Our focus is on high performance digital campaigns with revenue-shifting traffic and results you can see. We’re talking serious traffic, growth and revenue for over 1,000 businesses. The reason we can deliver these results through SEO services for your business?

Because we ditched the status quo from day one.

Years of experience in the industry made us see that too many people are opting for cookie-cutter strategies, short-sighted tactics, and strategies that are nothing more than smoke and mirrors.

Our approach to our SEO services are entirely results-driven. No excuses, no jargon, and no smooth-talking to mask a lack of progress. Everything we do is based on real figures, real performance targets, real revenue growth, and real return on your investment. Here’s the data from a winning SEO campaign to prove it. 20:1 ROI revenue gained. 400% more leads. 10x more revenue. Love winning SEO results? Read on.

Naturally, we can’t strive to be one of the best SEO companies in Australia without a superstar team. Our Gurus have an insatiable passion for all things SEO, PPC, social media, and online marketing. Best of all, their years of experience working with 1000+ companies all over the world means they’ve got the lowdown on what works, and what doesn’t.

At the end of the day, it’s how we think, what we do, and the way we relate to your business that really makes us the best SEO company in Australia. What better proof than our ratings? We’ve racked up more than 300 reviews rating us at 4.9+/5 on average. That’s makes us one of the best rated and most loved agencies in Australia! You can also check out what our clients are saying about us on social media!

Need more proof that we’re the best SEO company in Australia? Take a look at our partners – the likes of Google, Shopify, Adroll, Hubspot, BigCommerce, and Trustpilot. It’s no mean feat to become a partner with some of the biggest industry heavyweights.

What does an SEO agency do?

Here’s the simple definition: an SEO agency offers search engine optimisation services to businesses to help them improve the visibility of their website (and brand) online.

On the surface, Search Engine Optimisation is a pretty simple concept. You make changes to your website to make it more attractive to search engines for specific keywords. Those search engines reward you with higher rankings on search engine results. The closer you are to the top; the more people see your website. This drives more traffic, conversions and, ultimately, more revenue.

It’s in the execution that SEO becomes more complex. That’s where an SEO company really adds value with their services. With experts in different areas of search engine optimisation, such as technical SEO, content, data analysis and pay per click (PPC) advertising, an SEO company can create and execute a razor-sharp strategy that delivers revenue-busting results, amazing organic traffic over and over again.

So far, this is all very theoretical. Let’s look at what this means in reality. What will the SEO company actually do when you work with their SEO service? How will use search engine marketing to get you to those all-powerful top search results?

The best agencies start with a comprehensive SEO audit. The agency will also conduct in-depth keyword research into the right keywords for your target audience. The keyword research is really meaty stuff. Each page of your site will be optimized for ideal keyword placement. And all content will be refined to include elements that perform well with search engine algorithms. Your agency will also build quality links that boost your authority and trust ratings with search engines.

There’s another thing that your SEO company will do that many people might overlook: reporting. A great SEO company will make your reports easy to understand so you can get to the nuts and bolts of the data in moments. So you can find out all about the all-important return-on-investment figures. (this will really impress your boss).

Arguably one of the most important things an SEO company does is continually analyze and refine your strategy. SEO is never-ending on your website, so the work and services of your SEO company never end either.

Is SEO in house or outsourcing right for my business?

It depends. The most important thing to recognize is that driving serious revenue requires high quality teams of experts to make it happen.

This is where SEO companies typically blow in-house teams out of the water. Why? Because agencies are experts at what they do. They do Search Engine Optimisation all day, every day. Our digital marketing Gurus have worked with 1,000s of clients and gotten stellar results.

Another pro of SEO agencies versus in-house is that agencies keep up-to-date with the latest search engine optimisation news as part of their job. When Google changes its algorithm, you can bet they’re the first to know. By contrast, as a rule, an in-house team tends to be more focused on specific outcomes, such as SEO campaign results, and only those changes that impact current campaigns.

We can’t compare SEO in-house versus agency without talking about the budget. The option that you choose has to make sense for the company from a financial point of view. Think about it: If you hire an SEO specialist to work in-house, their salary will cost you approximately $76,000 per year. Add employee benefits, office overheads, admin fees, training and onboarding, and you’re looking at over $100,000 per year.

What does this mean for you? If you’re a small business working with a limited budget for digital marketing, outsourcing your SEO efforts to an external agency is highly recommended for your business. Larger enterprises with the dollars to invest more heavily in SEO have the freedom to manage it in-house and even partnering with external resources where necessary. The real question is whether or not search engine optimisation will bring the returns you want.

Why not talk through your options with a member of our team? Get in touch.

How do I choose the right SEO company?

Here’s the bottom line: If you want results, you need an SEO company claiming to offer the best SEO services (or maybe the cheapest and best) that the task of finding the right SEO company is totally overwhelming. For example, there are tens of Sydney search engine optimisation companies alone.

The answers that an SEO company gives to your questions can help you to figure out who’s the real deal. And by real deal, we mean an SEO company you can trust. One that takes all of the work out of your hands. An agency that sinks their teeth into your business and creates a strategy that works for your unique business needs. And an agency that doesn’t stop until they generate more revenue and provide better returns. Not too much to ask, is it.

Start by drilling the agency on how they will improve your rankings. So, avoid an SEO company that says something like “we’ll build links and add content”. This kind of catch-all strategy won’t cut it. The right agency will talk about doing some kind of website analysis/competitor analysis first. (Hint: we offer a $2,000 audit for FREE! No obligations, no catches. Just real, revenue results. Claim your free audit now)

Second, focus on communication. Communication is always important in business, but in the fast-paced world of SEO, it can make or break your campaign. SEO is not a set-and-forget strategy. So, at an absolute minimum, you should receive a monthly report showing the work done by the agency and the results.

Another way to make sure you choose the right agency is to look at who they have worked with before. Nobody can provide better insight into an agency’s abilities than previous clients. Don’t be put off if the agency has mostly worked with smaller businesses. In fact, that could mean you get just the type of personalised service that you’re looking for in digital marketing. The ones you want to be wary of are those agencies that won’t openly tell you about their previous clients. An agency that won’t provide any information is an agency that’s probably failed its previous clients – and that’s an agency you want to avoid at all costs.

How long does SEO take?

Let’s cut to the chase: There’s no magic SEO voodoo that will fly you straight to the top of page one. It can take months for Google to recognize and trust your website. You can’t just ‘SEO’ your website and watch your sales soar. For example, ranking for a competitive term like ‘seo melbourne’ takes a long time.

Now for the good news. Working with a stellar SEO company like OMG means you have consultants dedicated to hitting your goals. They’ll be realistic about the timeframe for success because they base it on a heap of factors. Where are you starting from? Was your website designed to be search-friendly? Are there broken links and obstacles? Has your website ever been penalised by search engines? How competitive are your industry and keywords?

One of the most important things that will determine how quickly you reach your goals is the competition. It’s much easier to win a race against 10 runners than against 100. The same goes for SEO and SEO campaign. For example, it’s much easier for us to rank higher in Sydney searches for an SEO company than in worldwide searches.

Another factor is budget. The more budget you can invest in your SEO campaign, the more tactics you can do that will accelerate your search results. For example, you’ll be able to produce more regular content which gives you the opportunity to use more keywords and improve your rank with organic search and gain truckloads of high quality organic traffic.

Truth us, the work never really ends with SEO. It’s not a tactic – SEO is a long-term strategy that has revenue-shifting, business-transforming results. On the flipside, without continuous improvement and maintenance, all your hard works falls apart. Links rot, content goes out of date, new algorithms affect different parts of your SEO, and the competition glides ahead on search engine results and gains organic traffic.

Are you the cheapest SEO agency?

No and we don’t pretend to be. We focus on quality and getting revenue results. No shoddy stuff or shifty business. No cheap quick fixes or false promises. There are lots of SEO agencies that focus on being cheap, which gets poor results. We’re not one of them. We’re dedicated to making you successful and helping your revenue grow with high quality SEO results. That’s how you really grow with search engine optimisation.

Here’s the risky bit. Not only are you getting little to no value, a cheap SEO company could be damaging your website rankings and your brand reputation. You know those long waffling blog articles that don’t make any sense, or really tell you anything, but are packed with obvious keywords? That’s a clear sign of a cheap SEO company. They aren’t providing something of value. Just a quick fix to get traffic.

You can also recognize a cheap agency because they’ll struggle to demonstrate the SEO practices they are using. Worse, they’ll conceal their tactics and give you some story about “confidentiality”. The problem is, with a cheap SEO company, you might actually see some immediate SEO gains and traffic. This is because the agency might just point a bunch of linkbacks to your site in the hope that their low efforts will yield high results and consistent traffic.

One more thing: unlike the cheap SEO agencies, we won’t offer “100% satisfaction” or “full money back guarantees”. That’s because SEO is always shifting and changing. Nobody has control over Google except, well, Google. What worked last month probably won’t not be working well this month. When you trust a reputable agency with your budget, you can trust that you are investing in experts who keep on top of these changes and put your website at an advantage.

What to ask an SEO agency?

Choosing the right SEO company could be the best thing you ever do for your company. But it can be an overwhelming process. To narrow down your options and get the right match for your SEO campaign, ask these questions:

How will you improve my rankings? An obvious one, but the answer reveals a lot about the SEO company that you’re dealing with and how they work. Every website needs a unique SEO strategy that takes its current state, its competition, and industry into account. Choose a firm that will do a comprehensive audit of your website first.

Do you have any recent case studies? You wouldn’t employ a new staff member without getting references and checking out their background. The same applies for your agency. See some case studies and even chat with clients they’ve worked with. There’s nothing more revealing than hearing it from the horse’s mouth.

Have you worked on any projects which are similar to mine? This is really focusing on your goals – what you’re asking is whether the agency has helped clients achieve similar goals to you. If yes, you know they’ve got the goods to deliver. It’s good to know whether they’ve ever worked with clients in your industry too, as it means they know what works and what doesn’t for your specific target audience.

What were the biggest challenges you faced in these projects, and how did you overcome them? This is a great way to find out how the agency rallies when the going gets tough in digital marketing. Look for an agency that demonstrates innovative thinking and resourcefulness.

What key metrics do you look at when it comes to SEO? Just as important as the initial SEO strategy is the agency’s ability to measure the results so they can adjust and finetune accordingly. You’ll also want to report back to your boss on how successful the campaign has been, and your return on investment in digital marketing.

When will I begin to see results? Everyone wants to know how quickly their website will be ranking for specific keyword phrases. But it’s impossible to commit to a concrete timeline. What you’re looking for is an agency who will give you an idea of what to expect over a period based on their experience and know-how in digital marketing.

Can you guarantee that I’ll rank on the first page of Google? A trick question because the right answer is actually “no”. Google constantly updates its algorithm, so no legitimate SEO company will promise you first page results and traffic! Nobody but Google has control over organic search positionings.

Do you focus on big or small companies?

Everyone. Small businesses, enterprises, and all else in between come to us to get their digital cranking. Get results regardless of the size of your company. From tradies, to online retailers, to the biggest enterprises across all verticals, the best digital agencies know that the “formula” is the same to get outstanding results. Chances are, we’ve already worked with someone just like your business, which makes helping you grow, that much easier.

Let’s increase
your sales
100% transparency, no excuses, and no dodgy practices. Just serious digital results.